kHz/bit or bit/kHz GUI inconsistency [done]

annoying for not seeing at a glance, when playing an album kHz/bit is shown:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-02 um 19.46.30

in album overview you get bit/kHz:
Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-02 um 19.46.50

would be nice to choose one or the other for all :wink:


It was done consciously after doing a quick survey of what people in our niche use… the abbreviated version was “bit/samp” and the spelled out was “samp hz Nbit”.

the bit/samp irks me everytime I see it… ill push internally to get this changed … but I may get overridden, so bear with me :slight_smile:


have just forgotten to answer after the July release, i see it did help to bear with you :grinning:

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