Lake (German) vs Lake (US)

There is a Lake German Band (formed in the early 70’s: and a Lake US Band (formed in 2005: Roon correctly identified the 1976 Lake first album but Roon displays the biography of the US Band…


On a side note, Lake I, Lake II and Paradise Island have always been favorites of mine. (the german band of course)

Thanks @chander_nagor. Edit made; will take up to a week to propagate through.

Hi @joel , just a follow up. If you search for Lake in Roon(or Tidal) you get the American Band and no mention of the German Band. However, 1 album and 2 EPs are actually the German Band.

This is how Tidal has them in their data. Is there anyway for you to send a message to Tidal to clean up the issue or for you to correct it on Roon’s end?

Unfortunately, TIDAL is stuck with a single ID for “Lake”. What we need (Roon-side) is better album equivalence between TIDAL and “not TIDAL” so that we can drag that album away from the ambiguous TIDAL ID.

It’s coming; I’ve just verified that, with our code-in-testing, we have a TIDAL to other equivalence for_So What_ where currently we don’t. The singles are more problematic though for a number of reasons, but we have some ideas :slight_smile: .

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