Lenovo Yoga tablet problem


I have just test Roon on my mac and its work very good. Unessesary Ive a problem with remote connection. I’ve Yoga Lenovo tablet and after installing remote application it doesn’t start. I see only logo screen and after this application crash. What should I do to resolve this uncomfortable situation.

Thanks Peter

Hi Peter,

What specification is your Lenova Yoga, including graphics ? What operating system does it use ? Those details will help the devs work out what is wrong.


thank You for you fast answer:) Below You can find a link with full specification:



I sent You specification in Polish. Im sorry. Below You will find in English



Coldu You give me information about tablets with Android which works w Roon?


The Developers have used Nexus 10 ( I think) , I’ve used the Nexus 7 2013 edition and a Samsung Tab S2. Many people enjoy using the new Mac Ipad Pro. I would get any newly released tablet, 9/10 inches. The nexus ones are nice in that they use original Android and so is the standard to which Roon is programmed. Other manufacturers, Samsung for sure - maybe Lenovo <?>, change Android to suit their own needs which may or may not cause issues with Roon.

Hey @Piotr_Szczygielski,

You can find a pretty full list here.

I’m more of an Android guy myself, but the iPad Mini (or iPad Pro) are probably my favorite tablets for Roon right now.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the spec sheets. In these days of Google Translate I was able to read both versions.:blush:

I haven’t been able to find any prior reports of people using this particular tablet. The Atom is at the low end of processors that might run Roon and, as Daniel said above, it’s possible that the Android 4.4 version on the Lenovo has branched in some way.

Roon initially supported ARM Android devices only. Intel x86 support was implemented later but doesn’t seem to be working well for this particular tablet.

I think you are right to look at other tablets as per the links above. I can’t say when this issue might be identified and, if possible, resolved (I’m just a user, not Roon staff). Rather than wait for that to happen, I’d move on to a known good tablet that will give a better user experience in any event.


Thanks form complete answer. So I have to buy an Apple tablet:-)

Well, you could buy a Windows 10 tablet… I’m using Roon quite happily on both a Lenovo ThinkPad 10 (1st generation) and a Microsoft Surface 3 - both Atom tablets…

I think to buy Samsung tab 3. I can have secondhand tablet for less than 100 USD. Thinkpad cost about 500 USD and Microsoft even more. I live in Poland and electronics isn’t as cheap as in the US:-(

Try updating the Android version on the Yoga if that is possible Peter. It may be that is where the problem lies.

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In theory it is passible doing update on this tablet. But in really world its impossible. I have try to do this for few hours and unfortunately I could not to do. I did step by step as it was explained on Lenovo website https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Android-Yoga-Series-Tablets/Yoga-10-HD-OTA-update-failed/ta-p/1598190
Maby Im to stupid to do this:) I have no idea how resolve this problem. On the screen of Yoga I can see 98% of update progress and next is a fu… failure.

Hi Peter,

I don’t think it’s you. The comments on the Lenovo forum post you linked show many people are having trouble upgrading. The final comment appears to be a solution by rollback to Android 4.3 which then allows for updating. It might be worth trying if you were willing to take the risk of following user advice on that forum but I don’t know enough to judge or whether it would affect any warranty.

I have a yoga tab 3 10 inch that I am using as a beside device that allows me to run Roon as a remote and end point.

I do have a couple of problems though - first is that the Roon app defaults to the mobile version which makes it look ugly on a 10 inch screen (e.g. album covers too big). Second is that there is no way to select full screen for the app. I did actually manage to get full screen by accident when on initial start (once) the app told me my resolution was not high enough and to try full screen… I selected that and got the full Roon app (not mobile version) which was fine.

Is there any way of running Roon in full screen mode all the time on Android? OR make the album and other display elements smaller?


Hello, I have the same problem as jayrammusic. I should have googled for Lenovo Yoga tab 3 10 and Roon before but I was sure I won’t make anything wrong with a 10 inch tab :disappointed:
Well, I got my Lenovo yesterday and voila: the same here, the Roon app works in the mobile version look only. Also here, once (unfortunately only once so far) when I started the app I could select the full screen mode. It worked fine this way and I could use the ‘Now playing’ screen.

I wonder what to do now. Returning the tab or waiting for an app version that works with these Lenovos? Hmm… indeed I bought the tab because of its “foot”. Just for using Roon’s ‘Now playing’ screen (in landscape mode).

Pls help! :wink:


Hi Mario

I too had the same problem. This post also discusses the problem

Stuck in portrait

It relates to the DPI settings that Lenovo uses which make Roon think the device is a phone. I changed the DPI on the Lenovo (check the link) and was able to get Roon to run in Landscape mode. The tablet is now unstable fir other apps- I will set it back to the default DPI to prove this is causing the problem at some point.


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Hi Tom!

Thanks a lot! Indeed the landscape mode works this way. Great! I still have not installed so much other apps. Just Roon and Orange Squeeze (I use a Nexus 9 lte for the daily use). The Roon app seems to be stable so far and it seems I should keep the Lenovo tablet. :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

Hi Mario

Glad to have helped - I too use the Nexus 9 for everything else! The Lenovo tablet is perfect for leaving by the hi-fi - would be good if Roon had a slightly screensaver/now playing view.


I’m using one of these Lenovo Yoga 2 tablets with Roon and it works well (esp for a $99 refurb tablet). It has a nice screen and outstanding battery life. I don’t have any problem switching between landscape and portrait mode in Roon.