Let the Banning Begin!

I agree…I only listen to content in my library; and if it is in my library, there is no reason to ban it.

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How weird. Why ban something you bought in the first place. Perhaps it’s a sign of old age, LOL.

The banning is per profile isn’t it? What about different profiles of people sharing a single library of music?
Edited due to typo.

I have albums I like but where I still don’t want a certain track to play without warning in Mixes/Radio because something in life happened to that song

Exactly , this is how we use it in our household by using different profiles.
I love my my AC/DC and Van Halen albums, my wife though does not share this love for them , iow in her profile they are banned.
We also have some artists we both like, though not all songs , in this case banning is on Track level.
I also have a (head-phones-music) profile dedicated to discovery of (newer neo-) progressive rock. In this profile i try to “train” Roon to play radio and provide Daily Mixes in this direction. In this profile even the AC/DC’s of this world is banned if proposed. The Radio based upon artists looks promising while the Daily Mixes seems a long way to go and i may give up on it. This prog-profile is kinda Pandora/Slacker replacement…


Why can I “Ban” a track directly from the Queue, but can’t “Heart” a track from the same?

This seems to be just a bug:

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Man, I’m starting to think that you are this board, and not a human at all! :kissing_smiling_eyes:

LOL Is it time to reevaluate my choices? :joy:

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Get out and smell a flower!

I’ll go see King Hannah on Thursday :slight_smile:

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I would like to ban genres. For example, everything with “Rap or HipHop”. And don’t see them at all when I’m scrolling through new content.

Would also be a nice feature in Tidal where a lot of Rap emerges that I don’t like at all and never listen to.


I had an album in my library, and a track from that album came up in one of my daily mixes. I went to ban it, and the option wasn’t there.

I removed the album from my library and had the option to ban the track. When I added the album to my library again, the option to ban the track disappeared. Is this a bug?

ETA: I did a little digging and saw that the only tracks in the album I couldn’t ban were collaborations with other artists. Is this something Roon support can fix?