Hey, I had that today, I love carrot cake.
From you, not sure if this is a joke or not lol
You’re only 9 years older than my daughter.
Clearly Ace has left the room. He’s gonna have a shock when he gets back.
Righto ladies and gents
Having had little sleep over the past few days, I’ll bid you all a good morning/afternoon/night
It’s our duty to keep him busy.
See you on the other side.
When Ace catches up, it will give him a good excuse to shut this down and start a new thread for the asylum inmates.
Good, I like still being young! I’m in the learning my body is getting older phase and I’m not still in my early 20’s
Mosh pits can be a brutal way of discovering your true age.
That’s for the next day lol.
I’m now one of those old pricks that stands closer to the mixing desk.
I’m not there yet, I still need to be front and center. Sometimes I will mosh and crowd surf.
If the guy at the desk knows his stuff that’s usually best place to be for the SQ.
Who cared about SQ when younger but now?
That’s my excuse too.
It ain’t April here yet and as we had complaints a short while back about closing shop early you are all SOL this month.
Raise you some White Zombie
Last selection of the night for me. Taking me right back to Middle School.