Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
Nucleus connected to Meridian 818v3 and ATC 150 Speakers.
Description Of Issue
When I play radio stations it plays and then comes up with error message + stops playing - limiting Roon radio to library. It worked fine for months and nothing has changed except maybe update to Roon. The issue has only started
Hi Dylan,
I too have had intermittent issues over probably the last two months? I have seen several posts from others and statements that issues were identified and addressed, but keeps happening for me. All the latest builds running.
First time for me too tonight - Roon Radio limiting itself to my Library even though its not checked in the 3 dots selection.
I havent changed anything, any ideas?
Same here. Everything was working fine for weeks - then just a few hours ago it stopped working. Tried rebooting the Roon Nucleus+, no luck. Also tried different songs/albums (one thread recommended Abbey Road which I tried) and didn’t work.
I decided to try to go in and logout of Tidal under services and then log in. That solved my problem - the radio seems to be working again. Give it a shot if you haven’t tried that yet.
Thanks @jager.
For me it didnt work simply by logging out and back into Tidal.
I needed to stop the track I was playing, clear the Queue History, log out and back in to Tidal and now it functions not limiting to my Library.
Normal service has been resumed