Live Radio not starting after latest ROCK software update (ref#R0M7VX)

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after install latest software on Rock live Radio not start

Describe your network setup


Hi @Jose_Gomez1,

Thank you for the report. Does this occur with other stations, or only the station in your screenshot?

If only one station is affected, have you verified that the online stream outside Roon (web URL) is still functioning?

We’ll keep an eye out for your response.

Hello, thank you for your promt response.
This problem occurs with all stations since new rock software installed.
All Codecs has been installed again in the folder called “Codecs” and a reset has been done in order to refresh the OS.
Before the installation all services work fine and smoothly…
Thanks in advance for your help

Hi @Jose_Gomez1,

Thanks for following up. It looks like our servers are having a hard time connecting with your ROCK - could you please reproduce the issue, share the radio station name, and then please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader?

With that, do you have any VPNs active across your Roon devices?


Hi Benjamin, thank you for your reply.

  1. Log file has been sent using your utility.
  2. The VPN(Tilesacale) is in use since new OS installed.
  3. Before the installation all functions runs smoothly without bugs, delays, etc. All Flawless…
  4. Issue occurs in all live stations.
  5. ARC works fine with Tilescale
    When change server, i.e my PC, live radio,local music and streamers providers(Qobuz, Tidal)works fine

Please note that Live station are operatives from outside roon.

thank you very much for your assistance

Hi @Jose_Gomez1,

Diagnostic logging confirms that the request to the stream URL fails from RoonServer. In every case, the address for the stream is unresolved.

In the meantime, try changing the DNS server assigned in your router settings administration page. We recommend Cloudflare ( or Google (

Please share a screenshot of the RoonOS web administration page if you continue to experience issues.

Hi Connor,

All issues have been fixed!!!

Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter.

Have a nice week end!

Jose Maria

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