Local albums not found in search

Roon Core Machine

ROCK v. 1.8 - build 880.

Number of Tracks in Library

4458 tracks.

Description of Issue

I have some albums with “The folks” on my NAS (they are not on Tidal). They can easily be found when focus is on local files (filtered to “storage location = [my local NAS]”). Screenshot attached.

But - when I do a general search for “The folks” without focus, they are not found (screenshot attached). Running the new 1.8 build 880 on ROCK. It has been like this all the time, but for v. 880 you explicitly state that searching for local files has been much improved…


You missed the s in your last search the folks instead of the folk. Does that help?

No, its the other way around - I can find the local albums by searching for “the folk”, “the folks”, “folk”, “folks” etc.

Searching with any of these terms without focus doesn’t give me anything.

But I realize, when I’m in “My albums” it’s more a filter than a search.

Actually it finds the artists when I press “See all results”, so the result is just not shown in the preview list, even there is an exact match.

But if I just search for “The folk” it won’t find the artist. Would be nice if the searching was more “fuzzy”.

Someday sometime Roon is no longer beta and come with a stable version :smiley:

Hey @Carsten_Hess,

Thanks for reporting this :pray:

I wonder, if you actually complete the search for “the folks”, what is the result? Can you please share a screenshot? The first screenshot you shared, shows just the instant results in the drop down menu, not the complete search results.

Hi - as shown above, when I press “See all results” the artist is actually shown (it wasn’t on previous sw-versions) - so apparently the result is just not ranked so high that it ends up in the “instant results”. I think local artists / titles should be prioritized highest.

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Thanks for the feedback, @Carsten_Hess.

I know for a fact that our dev and product teams are focusing on the instant results for future releases.

Please, bear with us :bear:

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