Local files stop playing after several minutes post July update (ref#S843BC)

What best describes your playback issue?

· Music stops playing unexpectedly

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *All of my Zones* are affected.

Does the issue affect all file formats?

· The issue affects *multiple/all* file formats.

Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?

· *Only local library *music is affected.

Where is your local content stored?

· On the same machine where RoonServer is running, internal drive

Please try playing content of a lower sample rate (44.1kHz or 48kHz), does this work as expected?

· No, lower sample rates are still affected

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· As mentioned I use sonicTransporter from SmallGreenComputer, Sonore, and Schiit components (Gungnir, Freya, Mjolnir 2, Vidar monoblocks)

Describe the issue

After the July update I began to have local files stop play after several minutes. Queue and Now Playing showed no content for several minutes--it was like music selection and play had never happened.
I thought it was in my system until I saw the hot fix for Macs in the support info. However, while I use Apple iOS devices (both fully updated) and a MacBook Pro 14.6.1 (23G93) (also updated) to reach my server I am not using them as servers.
This problem appeared to go away for a couple of weeks but has now returned.

Describe your network setup

I use Starlink with a Gen2 router for my broadband. The router is hard wired to my switch and from there to my Sonore opticalModule to a Sonore opticalRendu to the sonicTransporter (i7 cdr, Gen 3) (build 1455) via USB to my Schiit components (Gungnir etc).

Hi @Eatanner,

Thank you for the report. The hotfix applied only to Airplay playback - are you relying on Airplay when you experienced symptoms, or does this affect multiple protocols?

Diagnostics indicate that two RoonServers have recently pinged our servers from your account on both a Mac and the SGM. Are you in the process of migrating between servers for troubleshooting purposes, or do you maintain two servers and switch authorization between them?

Please provide the name of a track that recently dropped out (or a timestamp) and the particular endpoint to which you were playing. We’ll investigate the event in logs to determine next steps. Thanks!

Hi Connor

I’m not using Airplay in my setup. I’m attaching a screenshot of my queue when the music stopped this morning. I was meditating with a track, iAwake Epsilon, hoping the issue might resolve. I may be wrong about the queue screenshot however it happened between 5 & 6 am cdt today and early on previous days as well. It also happened on another album shortly after the roon restarted as I double checked it with another local flac file.

At that point I switched to my MacBook Pro (and changed authorizations) and the backup music files via a USB-C connection to an external drive, completely bypassing the SGC sonicTransporter and its hard drive of files. I did run the MacBook Pro through the network, optical module, ultraRendu and Schiit components. It worked as expected.


Hi @Eatanner,

Thanks for the additional timestamp! We can confirm that it’s the sonicTransporter losing connection with RAATServer briefly, resulting in the Schitt pausing playback.

If you can allocate additional network bandwidth, or allow network priority to the sonicTranporter, that may help with your issue. Perhaps removing the switch from the equation would help as well.

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