Local (Private) Zones enabled but don't appear to select as zones

Update I enabled NetBios on my firewall and it now works great! Streaming through my own home VPN. I love you Roon!!!

I enable my private outputs but they don’t show up to select from. Not sure what I’m doing wrong or if its a bug. I included my screenshots to help.

these screenshots from the same machine?

Yes they are, they’re from a PC (win 8.1) remote. My Library roon computer (also PC, Win 8.1) is in my living room and I was upstairs on my office computer.

Ok, @thewulfe – we’ll want to look at some logs for you. I’ll be in touch shortly.

Thanks for the report!

I’ve seen the same issue when using a PPTP VPN. Once I finally got OpenVPN working the problem went away.