Login Loop Issue on ROON Nucleus Across Web and iOS App (ref#PNCXA1)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

Stuck in a login loop on ROON Nucleus. Same issue occurs on web (W11 APP) login or IOS App. I log in and then select account. It then goes through the loop and ends up at the same place. I have power cycled to no effect.. It was working fine and just quit. Tks

Describe your network setup

Modem/Router/Range extenders provided by Telus Optik (No brand name shown) No switches

Hello @Barry_Dubnyk ,

Thank you for reaching out as soon as you discover you had trouble logging into your Roon account. We’re really sorry to hear it, but we’d like to do all we can to help. As a first step, could you please try to log into your Roon account page? Is that something you can do?


If the trouble is logging into the Roon software, it is worth noting that the process involves logging in via a web browser. The pop-up might be blocked by the default browser, depending on your settings. In that case, there are a few things that can help:

  • Rebooting your Roon Server

  • Clearing the default browser’s cache and cookies

  • Temporarily changing your default browser

  • Checking to ensure that you don’t have popup or cookie blockers preventing the redirect

I can log in to the account as requested. I am havin the same issue trying to login on my iphone as the W11 PC. Iphone uses Safari for browser. I use Chrome as Windows default. I switched to MS Edge and have the same problem. When I login on any of the devices, I get a login alert on my phone. It then says welcome back. When I select my account it takes me to the login screen, When I select login it takes me back to the screen where I select the account so it is an endless loop. With three different browsers, I get the same error. I logged into the Nucleus using the IP address and was able to do both a reset and a reboot of the Nucleus but it did not help. Thanks…

Hi @Barry_Dubnyk,
The next step to troubleshoot this is to gather some logs from your nucleus. Please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.

I have uploaded the files as requested. Tks

Hey @Barry_Dubnyk,

It looks like you’ve sent over a set of Roon logs from the windows device by mistake. Your Nucleus doesn’t appear to have been online over the last few days, at least in connection to our servers. I’m wondering how the health of your Nuclues is because of this.

If possible, could you please plug the Nucleus into a monitor via HDMI, while keeping it hardwired via ethernet directly to your primary router? Boot it up, and snap a screenshot of what you see on the screen if possible.

We’ll be monitoring this thread for your reply. :pray:

The following is what appeared when I plugged in the monitor as requested. Is this what you were looking for?

This is good news!

And how do things look if you connect to the webUI of the Nucleus? Go ahead and type in the IP address listed on the screen into your web browser and share a screenshot if possible.

If you’re able to access the webUI, thats another great sign, and points at potential network blockages being the culprit behind this issue.

We’ll be monitoring this thread for your report :+1:

I am attaching the screen shots of info from the WebUI as requested

Any updates on this issue. My Nucleus is currently not usable. Tks

Hey @Barry_Dubnyk,

More good news! All looks well via the webUI for your Nucleus, so we’re looking at a network-related issue here.

Can you confirm all your other Roon remote devices are on the same 192.168.1 subnet? You’d be able to see your device list by accessing your router settings, or using a third-party app like fing:

Can you check your router firewall settings as well, to see if there’s any active blockers with Roon?

I’d also test out temporarily disabling your windows firewall and seeing if the same issue occurs while using the windows remote.

Another interesting test would be attempting to use Roon Arc from your mobile device, and attempt to connect both over Wifi, as well as over cellular data.

We’ll be on standby for your reply! :pray:

I installed fing and confirmed all devices are on the 192.168.1 subnet. I do not have admin access to the Telus Arcadyan router or boosters but I was able to use the mobile app to disable internet security. I also turned off firewall on Norton and the issue still occurs.

I tried Roon Arc both with WiFi and over 5 G and it says it cannot find the Roon Server.

If I call Telus support what exactly should they be looking for?

What is next? I can obviously find the Nucleus on the network and restart/reboot, so it is not being blocked from that perspective at least…

Hey @Barry_Dubnyk,

Thanks for the update. Do you have a saved database backup? As a next step, I’d like to test out refreshing your Roon Server database, essentially starting out with a fresh instance of Roon.

From there, we can see about getting you logged in and then you’d be able to restore your settings from the saved backup.

Using your Windows, see if you can follow the below steps to rename your Roon Server folder tied to your Nucleus:

  • Create a Backup of your current Roon Database (or if you have a backup saved, you are ok to skip)
  • Stop RoonServer from running in Nucleus’s WebUI
  • Navigate to your Nucleus’ Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “RoonServer” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new Database
  • On the Roon Remotes, press “Use another Roon Server” and connect to the new database

See if you can connect and login before restoring any backups. Thanks!

I just took the Nucleus to a different location. Plugged it in. It grabbed a DHCP IP and it works so it is obviously my network. I will call TELUS and see what they say. What should I tell them to look for? Thanks.

Hello @Barry_Dubnyk
Perhaps this helps?


If you can manage to get access to your router, I would definitely change the preinstalled DNS server, for example to Cloudflare
or Google DNS
Then restart the router and the entire network. Maybe after that it works without setting an exception for Roon in the router firewall.

If not, try this next.

It is working. Thanks for the reddit link on the router. Changed the DNS to and reset as stated… Thank you very much for the assistance… Cheers

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OOPS… Celebrated too soon. I can access the ROON server and my library but it will NOT login to TIdal now through the Nucleus. I can login to Tidal through the Tidal App OK.

Cleared the ROON cache. No help. Reboot/restart no help. Unplugged the router/access points and Nucleus. Plugged back in. It grabbed a new IP and it worked. Not sure what fixed it but it is working now.

That’s good to know.
Btw, you can also assign your Nucleus a static IP and change the DNS server via the Web UI.
If the problem reoccurs, you could try this.

This issue has occured again where it says it can’t verify the tidal account in time… Not sure what is next but this has become extremely frustrating.