Have you changed the router too? Check the new subnet if you had in the previous network defined fixed ip address and eventually dhcp addresses too that likely changed too
Well, I replaced testwise this ROPIEE-XL whith another (nearly identical passive PI4) and now my devices are all back! Had to build a new group as names changed.
Guess attaching 4 USB-DACs to one ROPIEEE was just too much…2 years it lasted
What is the ip address of your core and the ip addresses of your Ropiees.? It really does sound like you have created a subnet somehow. Airplay can be detected over subnets if the network has mDNS active, Roon Ready/Roon Bridges can’t as it uses SSDP for discovery. Using fixed ip addresses on devices and changing network components is a risky business, fixed or reserved ip adresses should be set on the router to avoid such issues.
But it may be as simple as your system needs a reboot. Have you rebooted all devices since switching over the new network gear? Roon is temperamental at the best of times network wise. I would if you have not restart your whole network bit bit and same for all devices.
Have you tried rebooting everything as I suggested as this tends to clear most things. If it still persists What was the switch, check that it is not blocking Roons multicast traffic, remove it and see if they return as this will help to see if it’s the switch or not as that’s all you changed.