I use Roon sporadically, more for its music discovery feature. My Roon library resides on a NUC. The Lumin X1/L2 combo is fantastic. As I mentioned, I use the JPlay for iOS app as my daily driver; it’s like a streamlined Roon player and I find it’s lightening quick and quite intuitive to use.
Nicely done video! When I installed two 2TB Samsung drives in my L2, I worked from the online instructions supplied by Lumin, but it’s always nice to have a video. Initially, I had a small issue using the supplied screwdriver to unscrew the lid, as the screws were quite tightly fastened. I had to use a pair of pliers affixed to the screwdriver to torque them unloose. Other than that, it was a breeze. Love the L2 and its integration with my X1.
I’ll admit to being both interested and skeptical that I need an L2. Interested as I’ve found that isolating the X1 using SFP produced a very audible improvement, and reviews seem to suggest that improves anything connected downstream from the L2.
Skeptical because I’ve yet to use a NAS (or the 1tb hard drive I had installed in my Nucleus) despite having lots of ripped files scattered on several Macs that I don’t use. All but about 20% of those files are found on Qobuz or Tidal, and I have a nice transport to play the 20 of discs that can’t be found on streaming.
It would be great if Roon could access the music files on the L2 - might tempt me to finally move/rip files to a central location, and it would be ideal if the display for the L2 could be turned off (I prefer no display when I’m listening, especially at night).
If this was merely a network switch without the storage and NAS capability, and priced closer to $1500, I might be tempted to try it. My Lumin experience has been excellent across the three devices I’ve owned (currently own the T2 and X1) so it’s not skepticism over the improvement, just skepticism of whether I’d actually use this for its primary intended use.
Thus at the lowest price of $3500 for zero storage, that’s an expensive network switch (for me).
A few answers:
- You may set up a network share from Roon to the L2. Initially I didn’t think it was possible, but I’ve done it.
- As with other Lumin devices, you may turn off the display, which I have done.
I purchased my L2 without storage and installed 2 2TB drives. I replaced a bunch of networking stuff and simplified my system, with a nice audible improvement (the L2 is connected by fiber and in turn I connected the X1 by fiber).
Thanks @flashman! I guess I’ll have to answer the value proposition of whether I need a $3500 NAS/Audiophile switch - so far I’ve not needed either. I can imagine for users with extensive digital music collections, this is an enticing proposition.