Make Tidal the Primary Version

Worked fine with the old Roon, with the new 1.8 I can not make the Tidal version my primary. How to do?

On the Album, select Versions, and then, on your preferred version, Make Primary

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Hey @KnockKnock,

Thanks for asking this question on our community. It looks like @Mikael_Ollars has jumped right in with the steps to make a preferred version primary. Did that work for you?

And a big thank you @Mikael_Ollars :pray:

Yeah that’s cool, but I forgot to ask how to make ALL my files Tidal, or ALL my files Qbuz. :smiley:

You can’t do that, its one album at a time. It has been requested to add this as a feature. I suggest you search for that thread if it’s still around or add in a new feature request in the features request section of the Roon Software section.