Make user-created Roon tags order alphabetically at album level (same as they are at track level). This helps for users who use Roon tags actively as alphabetical display of tags makes them easier to see at a glance.
Example based on 3 user-created tags in Roon called “Tag 1”, “Tag 2” and “Tag 3”:
If these are applied at track level (song level) they are ordered correctly as Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3 (i.e. ordered alphabetically).
If these same tags are applied at album level they are ordered randomly (instead of alphabetically). So, they are currently ordered as any combination, such as Tag2, Tag 3, Tag 1; or Tag 2, Tag 1, Tag 3.
In summary: The order of user-created Roon tags is currently random at album level but alphabetical at track level. Please make the album level tags to order alphabetically as well.
I noticed artist level tags are also displayed in random order. I am referring to user created tags in Roon, not to ID3 tags. Please can these tags (artist and album) display in alphabetical order like they do at track level.
Bumping this request. I don’t understand why artist and album user-generated tags (within Roon) display in a random order while track-level user tags (also created in Roon) display in alphabetical order (which is really useful).
Surely it makes sense for the display order of user-generated tags to be the same for artist, album and track-levels tags, i.e., alphabetically.
To replicate; Create user tags for an artist or album, do this in Roon. Initially, the artist and album tags appear in the order they are entered but after moving between albums and coming back, the ordeer changes and they suddenly appear in a random order with no logic.
Perhaps I am too reliant on Roon tags to customise views of my music library, putting me in a rather minor category of Roon user? I find it difficult to understand how Roon tag users would not see the value of having artist and album tags display alphabetically as per how track tags behave (track tags that are Roon user-generated) – I can however understand how light users of Roon tags would not care.
It does not make sense that track tags would display alphabetically, but not artist or album tags (I’m referring only to Roon user-generated tags to customise views within Roon - not ID3 tags).
Hi +1 for this feature. Is this perhaps a bug or oversight by Roon? I use Roon artist, album and track level tags quite heavily. I could never understand why track level Roon tags are displayed in perfect ascending alphabetical sort order but artist and album level Roon tags are not.