Many duplicates with wrong network path

I am running the latest version of Roon on a Mac Mini; my music files are stored on a network drive (all hardwired no wifi).

A lot of my albums suddenly have all tracks duplicated and I can see in the file path that the network path is not correct for the duplicate ones. I can not play the ones with the wrong path (which makes sense); the files with the correct path play fine.

How can I get rid of the files with the wrong paths without losing my edits?
Any idea how this could happen? I have never changed anything concerning the storage location.

I tried force rescan but it did not help.


Hi @DanG ----- Thank you for the report and my apologies for the inconvenience here. May I kindly ask you to please expand on the details of your setup as seen here.

Furthermore, can you confirm the following:

  1. Under “general” found in settings, what is “Show Hiden Albums” set to?

  2. Have you tried rebooting your core machine?

  3. Has the NAS been restarted yet?


Hi Eric,

my setup details:

  • Roon core on Mac Mini late 2012, OSX 10.11.6, i7, 16gb
  • around 35000 tracks, 1561 albums
  • music stored on network drive; storage location set to smb://mybooklive/Music; all network connections are wired

To answer your questions:

  1. it was set to yes; I tried setting it to no but this did not change anything apparently
  2. yes
  3. yes

The tracks that are correct have path displayed as //mybooklive/Music/…; the duplicate ones have the path /Music/…
Also Roon crashes very often, especially when going into an album track listing.


Hi @DanG ----- Thank you for the follow up and the feedback. Both are very appreciated.

Moving forward, here is what I would like you to try.

  1. Make a backup of your DB as seen here.

  2. Remove ALL storage locations in Roon.

  3. Restart the application.

  4. Re-add the correct paths back in once the application has opened back up.


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Hi Eric,
After following your instructions all seems ok now, thank you.

Any idea on what could have caused the problem?


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