Marker on Album art to show format

Would be great to have some kind of marker, different coloured dots or triangles in the top right corner of the album art work to designate audio format / bit rate. Maybe even just HD in a corner.

It sort of already does.

Settings >General then Show Album Format on Browser.

It will show “CD” for 16/44 music and 24/96 (for example) for high res.

Cheers, Greg

My library is exporting so I can’t play with Roon fully yet but in my short play I did see it when you choose an album and went into the detail of the album. I didn’t see it when viewing all the album covers before you pick one. Would be nice to have it in album view so you could pick a hires track/album.

[quote=“Robert_Bosnjak, post:3, topic:12227”]
Would be nice to have it in album view so you could pick a hires track/album
[/quote]It’s there, you just have to enable it as Greg described.

There is a lot to Roon, I recommend spending sometime with it and exploring the options … esp. focus and bookmarks.

Excellent! Thats a very handy feature.