Does anyone know if there is a way of matching a Tidal playlist to your own library in Roon?
I have a few Tidal playlists in Roon that contain songs I have on my own library. I’d like to replace the Tidal versions with my own AIF files if possible.
You are lucky, a few weeks ago the Playlist Improver feature was added in an update, and it does exactly this (among other things):
Though currently not everything may be perfect and AFAIK some improvements are still in development. If you experience a problem, I’d recommend opening a new topic in Support. (There are some threads about the feature and some shortcomings from recent weeks, just search for playlist improver)
thanks @Suedkiez Alas the “match to library” feature is greyed out for me even when I have the exact tracks in question in my library. I’ll add a new topic in support as you suggest.
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