Merging 10 disc set--can't reorder discs with long titles

I am trying to import and organize the monster Heaven 17 “Play to Win” 10-disc set. I have imported all 10 discs into Roon, and selected merge albums. But when I try to organize the disc numbers, only some of the discs have the 6 dots that let you drag the disc to the proper place in the order. See pic.

How can I properly sequence the discs ? I s there another way to renumber the discs? Or is there a way to somehow “see” the 6 dots? As you can see they are not visible on longer album names.

BTW, if I try to simply enter the proper disc number, and rename, say, disc 4 (“Penthouse and Pavement”) as Disc one, it then renumber the disc, but instead of retaining the record’s name it says “Multiple Artist Values/Multiple Album Values/Multiple Subdirectory Values”. No clue what this means!

I gotta say that Roon does not make this too easy on these big box sets and thanks for any help!!

Ugh, I tried again and now, for some reason, of the albums have the 6 magic dots! Is there any way to do this???

Did you follow the multi-disc guideline? Avoiding having to reorder everything with the Roon tools (which a poor for this) is usually preferable

Box sets and multiple-disc sets are poorly handled in Roon at the moment. There are a great number of threads about this. Add your vote to the feature request threads that are addressing this problem.

Useless here. Only one of the discs shows up as a possible match to the box set. So frustrating!!!

But did you do it?

If every file is properly tagged with disk number and track number, and artist and album, and arranged in the folders as described, Roon should normally have the right order even if it can’t identify the box set.

In my experience at least. Maybe it still won’t work, but you’d have a better chance


You are probably best of at this stage completely deleting that box set from Roon, making all the outside edits suggested and then reimport it afterwards.
I learnt this the hard way myself.

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It doesn’t work. It’s looking for all of the other songs in the 10 disk set.

I’m a little confused as to what I would do after I delete it. What else do I need to make before I reimport ?

Skeptical this will ever be addressed.

Is this a ripped box set, or one imported from Tidal (Qobuz doesn’t seem to have it).

If it’s ripped, I would check the metadata before importing it into Roon. Very often the metadata sources used by ripping applications have poor quality metadata for box sets.

And if the set is made up of previous albums from Heaven 17, you might want to leave them as individual albums, because then the original album titles will be preserved. Roon just uses disc numbers in box-sets, and does not show individual disc album art, only the album art for the box set as a whole.

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I check that each separate disc is actually clearly defined, like disc1 or CD 1 or however your edit software likes to name it.
And as Geoff says check the basic underlying metadata, it’s usually sub optimal…to be polite.

Not much help now but on these large box sets you really need to ensure everything is in order metadata wise BEFORE you rip them.
So my setup now is set to let me look at metadata details before it starts ripping when I insert a disc…so I can check and fix mistakes prior to ripping taking place.
This has helped considerably with importing into Roon.

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It is a ripped box that. Some of the albums are actual releases, and some exclusive to this box. I’m starting to think I’m just not going to combine them into one box set and leave them at separate releases. Roon really needs to fix this mess.

FWIW using dbpoweramp to rip. It seems to correctly identify the discs.

Roon is just trying to cope with the sh*t metadata that the labels throw into their boxsets. It’s the Aegean Stables there.

That’s why we need to give Roon a helping hand by improving the metadata as @AceRimmer suggests before Roon ever gets its paws on it.


Take a look at the metadata - and the different source versions that dBpoweramp will use. Bet you find that the metadata is awful and will differ between sources…

You are right. if I used Discogs it did identify the disc as part of a set. At this point, lesson learned. Too exhausting to re-rip this monster! :slight_smile:

You don’t have to rerip it. Fire up a metadata editor and change the metadata in the ripped files

Beyond my meager capabilities!