Metadata Improver Paused and unwanted Roon Log Outs

This error message (see image) has appeared recently after saving flac files to an Antipodes CX/EX music server. Rebooting the servers or reinstalling Roon does not seem to resolve the problem. Additionally, when leaving Room unattended, say for a few hours or overnight, I keep getting logged out and then need to log into the Core again. It used to do that automatically.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I have the “Metadata improver paused” problem too. Everything worked great before. The only thing in my network that has changed at all is that Roon has been updated. I am running ROCK on an Intel NUC, same as I’ve been doing all along for years.

I have rebooted the core, I have rebooted my entire network. Nothing works. I thought I would check and see if there’s a solution. Apparently, nothing I haven’t tried already, so I guess I’m going to just ignore it and hope a future core update irons it out.

Hey @Florian_Haerb,

Thanks for your patience while we work through each thread. Following up here, are you still running into issues on the new release? Please update to 1202 and let me know if you still run into this issue.

If yes, then please also fill out the needed system info below. I would also start out by hard-wiring your core directly to your router if you haven’t yet:

Roon Core Machine

Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Your network gear (model of routers/switches) and if on WiFi/Ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.)

Number of Tracks in Library

Tell us how large your music library is, eg. “30,000 tracks”

Description of Issue

Tell us about the problem you’re having in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are always appreciated!

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