Metadata is incorrect. Niki Haris is the daughter of jazz pianist Gene Harris. She is not related to Eddie Harris the great jazz saxophonist

Niki Haris is the daughter of Gene Harris and not related to Eddie Harris. This is a mistake in Roon metadata.

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Other errors with Niki Haris:

  • Her Discography does not contain Madonna albums although she was a Madonna background vocalist (Niki Haris - Wikipedia)
  • Her profile links her as a member to Snap! (this is correct) and in the Snap! bio it mentions an artist “Nikki Harris” (two k’s and r’s) as a Madonna background vocalist, and this Nikki Harris’s Discography has the Madonna albums, but no bio info.

Correction to my previous post which inexplicably is waiting for mod approval and can’t be edited:

Roon’s Niki Haris artist does have 5 Madonna albums listed, just further down the page. And some appearances with Whitney Houston and some other artist. Some of these albums are the same for the Nikki Harris artist and have both in the credits. Examples, there are more:

I did not check in detail but it seems to me that not all albums exist in both artists

However, the Snap! artist page has the correct Niki Haris listed under “Key members of Snap!” and the incorrect Nikki Harris is not there

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