"Metadata Paused": Can't find solution

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Is the album identified in Roon?

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Starting on August 19th Roon has stopped accessing metadata for new uploads from Qobuz. I’ve read various threads on Roon Chat and rebooted the modem, SGS i5 SonicTransport (server), and Windows 10 desktop but nothing has helped. I checked that I have the latest version of the OS. NAS files are unaffected. Does anyone have any suggestions to try? Thanks!

Hi Steven

Maybe you can try to force a new ip-address for your SGS i5 Sonic transport. (change DHCP server, or fixed ip-address)

sometimes this helps to get the Roon internet infrastructure awake about your configuration.


Another suggestion is to log out of your Roon Account.
(Settings-General-Log Out)
Then log in again and reboot your Roon server.
I am assuming you are seeing the red triangle up top right on the Roon screen?

Thanks, Dirk. This procedure is beyond my technical competence at this point. I might try to get a friend to help me out.

Thanks, Mikael. I tried what you suggested but there’s no change. Also, I don’t have a red triangle in the upper right corner, but I do have a rotating purple circle going clockwise (to the left of the bookmark icon).


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But if you click it?

Just pull the plug on everything then wait,

Now restart each component in turn , modem , router etc waiting in between until the component,is fully started

That should fix it. , likely you have a connection error to the Roon Cloud

Hi Mike,

I followed your reboot instructions precisely, but it didn’t help. How do I kick this request for hrlp to the Roon techies to help me out? Anyone know?

Have you restarted your network gear? This problem occurs when the core for some reason can’t connect to Roons servers, this is more often a local network problem so restarting all the network gear then your Roon stuff can often clear it.

I rebooted my modem/router, my SGC i5 Transporter and my Windows 10 desktop several times (and once rebooted the OpticalRendu player as well. No luck!

If you haven’t seen it, this KB article might help:

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