Miles Davis - Kind Of Blue

Content you’re reporting an issue with

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Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

I have multiple copies of this album.

They’re all named differently. Which is to say, they all start off with the same details (release date, album name) & then go on to specify the difference of each release.

I’ve had a thing before where if Roon thinks you have two copies of the same album, it will only show one, & I’m having terrible trouble getting each of these different release to sit side by side.

I’ve always managed to solve this problem in the past, (usually by making the album titles different) but I’m kinda stumped right now, as the album titles ARE different, & I was wondering whether or not it was possible to switch off Roon’s “hiding duplicates” behaviour to see if the solves my problem?

Yes it is. Go to Settings > General and switch on “Show hidden tracks and albums”.

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Thanks!! :slight_smile:

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