Minidsp SHD Uncertified Roon Endpoint (RAAT)

It just depends what you want to do… but the SHD would be your roon endpoint, dac, provide dirac 2.0, provide crossovers to your sub etc. So basically it would,or could replace your micro rendu roon endpoint and your modi 3 dac. You would just have an SHD, and output it to your amp.

As long as it’s as good of and endpoint and dac.

Actually, I don’t think it has a dac

Yes, the SHD has a DAC. Here is a link to the product page:
Yes, the DAC is excellent.

Ok the full featured one. Not the shd studio that Hans reviewed.

But I could just keep the MicroRendu and just get the ddrc-24. Right?

The SHD DSP processes all audio input at 96/24, which is reasonable given the computational load of Dirac Live.

FYI higher SQ on SHD Studio than MicroRendu, and SHD Studio has more powerful DSPs than DDRC-24.

So does that mean the Minidsp will take a 192k signal and downsample it to 96k. If so, that’s a bit of a let down.

@TomJ is correct. The SHD is a much higher quality device that the ddrc24 which is why I changed. Also, a more recent under the radar development is that the SHD can be wireless now as well with a usb wifi dongle. The new units shipping will include one. For those of us that purchased without an included wifi dongle, I have found one that is working for me ($7.99/free prime). So far it is working great. It is always preferred to be hard wired, but for those where that isn’t possible, it is a good option.

This was a great piece of information! I ordered that dongle and got set up in five minutes. It works perfect. Streams 192 signal without a hiccup.

Thanks for that.

Could you post a screenshot of the signal path playing a 192/24 file?

you da man!

So is it actually outputting 192 or is it outputting 96 since the minidsp downsamples it?

Roon is outputting 192 and the minidsp is accepting it. I have Dirac running, so the minidsp is doing all sorts of things to the signal after it receives it, including downsampling it. But the minidsp is accepting the 192 signal just fine.

How do you like it? Is the built in Dac good? I’m trying to decide between the SHD and SHD studio.

I’m curious about the sound quality of the SHD studio as well, hoping this might replace my Nad M12, and give decent room correction.

Hans Beekhuyzen likes it:

I find it (SHD Studio) has no sound signature in comparison to an Allo Digital straight into my Meridian speakers. But the Dirac is pretty remarkable, and simple as hell to use.

The standard SHD measures very well:ASR SHD Measurements

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Do you leave the Dirac on for all your music?