Missing Audio Devices on Roon with Windows Server (ref#0I1GUI)

Affected Product


Roon Issue Category

Description of Issue

I have been using Roon for 2-3 years with no problems. All of a sudden my audio devices disappeared. I clicked on “settings” – “set up” - “find Roon OS.” The response from Roon was “No audio devices found.” I should have two devices, first, a Dragonfly DAC connected to my PC and second, an Auralic Aries connected to my audio system.

Roon Server Platform


Roon Server Specifications

Roon server 2.0 Build 1353 production 64 bit

Connected Audio Devices

Dragonfly DAC connected to PC. Auralic Aries connected to audio system via ethernet

Home Network Details

Ethernet. Optimum router

Drop the windows firewall temporarily and see if they reappear.

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This is only meant for finding Roon OS servers like Nucleus or ROCK

Hi @hear4b,

Echoing @ged_hickman1 above, please verify that RAATServer.exe is added as a Windows firewall exception (along with RoonServer.exe and RoonAppliance.exe).

Thanks but I really don’t know what you mean by RAAT server or firewall exception, etc. All I know is that I can’t access my playback devices and I made no changes to my computer.

Does anyone know if there is Support at Roon. I did a pretty deep search before I found an e-mail for Roon. It turned out that the e-mail was for the Accounts and Billing Team. They referred me back to the Forum and did not respond to my request for a Support person.

What shows in settings, audio?

A message saying “No audio devices found.” There is also a button to click saying “Manage Audio Devices” but nothing happens when I click it.

Windows has a habit of apllying updates that block applications getting through its network security, the firewall that is talked about in the posts above.
Use this guide to switching the windows firewall off.
Then see if your devices appear.
You will need to turn the firewall back on or you would be vulnerable to attack but it will show if that is the issue.

Thanks. First, what guide are you referring to. I don’t see any attachment. Second, I don’t use the windows firewall as I use the Norton 360 product. Do I still need to turn off the windows firewall or should I turn off the Norton one.

Sorry my mistake.
If you are using Norton then turn that off.
I’d also check that windows hasn’t also turned on it’s own firewall. Windows updates are not renown for reliability or subtlety.

Thanks again. I turned off the Norton firewall and nothing changed under settings, audio. I’m not sure where to look for the Raat file or the other files you mention.

Have you checked that windows firewall isn’t runni g as well?

Sorry I don’t understand the whole process. I can’t seem to find windows firewall. It says it is not active because I am using a third party (presumably Norton). Also, you previously referred to a guide. Is that something I should be looking for. If so, how do I find it.

If windows says it’s not running and you’ve paused Norton then there is no further firewall investigation needed.
You will need to wait for another user or roon support to chip in.
I am taking it that you have rebooted everything including the network from the network outward?

Funny you should say that. I rebooted last night and everything came back. I don’t know why my devices disappeared in the first place and why they came back but for now everything seems back to normal.

Thanks for your suggestions

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