Missing blanks in ARC translations

This is a string made up of:

  1. One of the 8-10 versions of “retry/try again” in the translations database
  2. the phrase “orListenToYour”
  3. i think, the phrase “downloadsTryAgain”

Of course i don’t want it seen at all, but thats a matter for another thread! :smiley:

Hi @Mikael_Ollars ,

Thanks for the report. Can you please confirm if you are still seeing this issue in the latest Roon build? Does the issue occur when using ARC in any other language or only in Swedish?

Hi Noris, sorry about the delayed response.
This seem to affect Swedish translation, English is fine.

And this is the first time away since the report, but i’d like stress the unreliability of ARC at the same time. Working fine for some 6-7 hours, and then the ARC cannot play anything from local storage, nor Qobuz…

I’ll report the state of my Roon Core when i’m back home this afternoon. (If similar to last time this happened, Roon Server is running, but non responsive in some aspects)

At home, and Roon is claiming to be alive, but fails in playing back anything and does not show home-page:

This ONLY happens when away and using Roon ARC, which is a bit ironic (since i am unable to control the server/software)…