I have been tidying up my library. I found an album with missing tracks. It has 170 tracks and it was easiest to delete it and re-download. However, when I did so and uploaded to the Nucleus there were missing tracks again. This time, I inspected the tracks in the Nucleus and they are all there and contiguous. However, in my library six tracks are missing. What am I doing wrong? I have turned Roon off and on again. I have pressed "clean library" and then turned Roon off and on again. Thank you.
Can you please send us the affected files for review so we can try to reproduce on our end? You can upload it to the below link and let us know once uploaded, thanks!
Ah, I looked about in the settings for library and find that those files are corrupt. There was no indication of failure on the download, but I will need to download them again.
I’m afraid I didn’t quite understand the request, also. It is tracks that appear to be on the Nucleus but that don’t appear on Roon library display that are the issue (99, 100, 102, 106, 107, 145, 147, 152). Did you want me to upload those particular tracks? I won’t now yet because I should try them again. Thanks.
I have fixed it! I redownloaded the individual tracks, then merged the album they made with the existing one and have one album! Still can’t ID it, but it isn’t exactly a popular item.
Thank you for considering my problem.