MP3 Format Missing From Focus Options

Roon Core Machine

Roon ROCK on NUC10i3FNH, Core i3-10110U, 8GB RAM
Version 2.0 (build 1169) production

Networking Gear & Setup Details

TrendNet Gigabit Switch

Connected Audio Devices

Matrix mini-i Pro 3

Number of Tracks in Library

36,772 tracks

Description of Issue

I have some albums in MP3 format that I want to locate but there’s no MP3 option available on the Format filters.

Then according to Roon’s database you have no mp3 files in your library…

But I know for a fact that I do have MP3 files in my library.

What may be confusing Roon is that, so far, all the MP3 albums I have found also have FLAC versions set as the primary version.

view more button

First, I’d set Roon to Show Hidden Albums and Tracks to YES. Then, Like I circled above, click the View More blue button.

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Well, I’ll be… Setting that option to Yes exposed the MP3 albums. Apparently they’re “hidden” because they’re marked as duplicates. That’s annoying. I use the “Hide Track” feature quite a bit to remove bonus tracks from streaming albums so I don’t want those exposed all the time.

Well, at least I know how to work the system and eventually I’ll get rid of all the MP3 files. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Glad it helped. If it were me, I’d show everything. Select by MP3, then add an MP3 tag to them all at once. Turn Hide back on. But, since Tags works on the actual object tagged, you will be able to bring up the MP3 albums and work through them at your own pace.+

Once I turn Hide back on, the tagged items are filtered out again.

But I did notice I can Focus on Hidden or Duplicates items. That could be useful in this process.

Im sorry if I wasnt clear enough. After you Hide them again, you go to the tag screen and open the tag. They will

OK. That works. Thanks for all your help!

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