I have two raspberry pi’s running Ropieee. Roon keeps mixing them up, and only the endpoint that was reconfigured last can be used. The other one gets renamed and can not be selected in Roon as an endpoint.
Hi did you perform two separate installs or is one a clone of the other?
If you installed both from scratch using the sdcard install(ie you didn’t clone the SD card) then you may be running into a rare issue where roon assigns them both the same id.
I ran into this a few years back - and have read a small number of cases here.
If I recall the solution was to disable both endpoints in roon, completely rebuild both Ropiee endpoints and then reconnect.
My experience is here https://community.roonlabs.com/t/strange-zone-identity-issue/
Agree, my experience is very much like yours. I did not clone them either. I’ll try the disable - rebuild - enable and see if that helps.
Thanks guys
Also, as mentioned, make sure they have different hostnames.
Any way of forcing Roon server to forget a device?