Multiroom playback out of sync after few tracks [Investigating]

Hi @benjamin thanks for the honest update, even if it’s not the news I was hoping for. One last thing…

My workaround for multiroom is to have a second zone with Airplay endpoints since that is stable. It’s lower quality sound compared to RAAT, but it doesn’t drive me nuts! The devices that really matter here are the Muso and the ND5XS2/MScaler/TT2 based main system in the adjoining room (the Qb is in another part of the house and rarely grouped). To get this to work I run both a DIN cable (into the amp) and a BNC cable (into the Mscalar) from the ND5XS2. When I want to change between Airplay / RAAT zones I have to switch the output from the ND5XS2 between DIN and BNC in the NAIM app, change the input channel on the amp, and adjust the volume. Works, with care, but not wonderful.

The reason for having to do it this way is that I can’t configure ‘Zone grouping delay’ for Airplay endpoints in the same way I can with RAAT ones (I need about 740ms to the Muso to account for the processing happening in the Mscaler / Hugo TT2). If this were possible then I could simply route everything through BNC / Mscaler / TT2 and would only have to use Roon to switch between Airplay and RAAT.

I don’t know if adding / enabling that is technically feasible, but if it were and could go into your product backlog that would be fantastic.