Music currently playing is out of synch with the progress bar at the bottom

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Roon version 1.8 build 778 (but problem has occurred on all 1.8 builds to date)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

NUC connected via ethernet to router. Router connects via ethernet to Sonos interface box, and Sonos interface box connects via wi-fi to Sonos controller about 50 ft away in a closet. No system issues with skips or pauses despite the long distance.

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Roon plays through Sonos. I have 3 zones, all grouped as one.

Description Of Issue

As the title says, what’s coming through the speakers doesn’t match what shows on the screen. This happens fairly frequently but I can’t say whether consistently or not. I notice it especially when the previous track shows as finished and the next track has started, but the music actually playing is from the end of the previous track. Today’s episode continued playing music for about 2 minutes from the previous track before starting to play the next track, even though the progress marker showed it already about 1/3 into the next track.

I have a couple of screen shots from today, which I will attach if it lets me.

I have observed similar behavior on the ‘Now Playing’ overlay. One track ends, another begins, the progress bars goes 10-20 seconds into the next track, but the title info doesn’t update and still shows the info of the previous track. This I have observed since updating to 1.8. On 1.7 this didn’t happen.

I just noticed something interesting. I had put Roon on pause while a made a phone call. It was out of synch when I paused it. When I resumed the playing, the music was back in synch with the progress bar. It had caught up because of the delay.

Hi @Stephen_Vorenberg

This is something that our team is looking into.

Just to confirm:

  • Does this happen with all remote devices at the same time?
  • Are there any certain patterns that you’ve noticed that seem to lead to this occurring?

The next time this happens can you share some screenshots and make a note of the time? Thanks!