Music not added

Roon was working fine until ca last week. Then new music were not added anymore and the wheel just went on spinning. The latest update of Roon didn’t help.

Then I tried to delete and reinstall Roon again a couple of times but after that only less than 10% of the music are identified and added to the Roon library.

I use a Macbook Pro with the latest MacOS for the Roon Core, the music files are stored on a Synology NAS.

Do I need to send a log file?

Please help.

Hi @Trakkxx ------ Thank you for the report and sharing your feedback with us. The insight is appreciated and sorry to hear of the troubles.

Moving forward, I have enabled diagnostics on your account as this action will automatically generate/upload a diagnostics report containing a set of your Roon logs to our servers the next time Roon is active on your core machine.

Additionally, to help aide in our evaluation of this behavior you are experiencing may I very kindly ask you to please provide the following information:

  • The model of Synology NAS you are currently implementing.

  • A screenshot of your storage tab so we can see how the NAS is mounted in the application.

  • Has any content ended up in “skipped files” (path: “settings” - > “library”)?


I have the same problem with my Time Capsule.
After making a lot of changes as well in my network as well in the folder hierachy of my music directories the last couple of days I tried to install Roon from scratch again, but it seems to get stucked again. There are no files in the ‘skipped files’. In the folder on the Time Capsule there are 2970 files but only 494 seems to be added and identified by Roon.
What is BTW the best way to install Roon from scratch? Is there a file somewhere in the system that has to be removed manually?


Hello Eric,

Nothing has changed since yesterday, the wheel is still spinning on 494 of the 2970 files.
What do I need to do?

Thank you for the for touching base with me @Trakkxx, the follow up and feedback are appreciated!

Moving forward, I have re-enabled diagnostics on your account so we can see what is going on with the Time capsule as well and as before the report should arrive to our servers when the application is active on your core next. I am still waiting on feedback from our techs on the first report we had received and placed an update request with them today to try and expedite this process to the best or my ability.

Before we go about starting completely fresh, I would like to see what our techs say about the Roon logs attached to received diagnostics report. Some times this behavior can be caused by a file getting “hung up” during the import process so starting completely fresh may only lead you to the same state you are in currently. Additionally when you had first reported this issue, you were on a Synology NAS, I am assuming you copied your library over to the Time Capsule for testing purposes, correct?


Update: Looks like the newest diagnostics report has just come in and is now attached to your ticket which is with our tech team.

I have now also connected my Synology NAS, the tracks on the Synology NAS have then been seen and counted by Roon (now Roon counts a total of 12609 tracks instead of 2970 tracks), but none of the tracks on the Synology NAS have been added to the library, the wheel is still spinning and stuck on the 494 tracks added and identified yesterday.

Hello Eric,

I have again reinstalled Roon, but the problem remains, Roon gets stuck by adding music to library. What does the diagnostics report say? I have tried different network shares and folders, but they all seemed to get stuck.

Thanks @Trakkxx, letting you know that I have followed up with you via PM with further instructions.


Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.