Music Playback Hiccups/Drops Since 795 Update [Resolved - Network change]

Core Machine

Sonictransporter i9, 32GB RAM, 4tb SSD

Network Details

Sonictransporter hardwired via ethernet to Xfinity Gigabit Gateway then wifi to endpoint (wifi speed over 950 at router and 600 at endpoint)

Audio Devices

KEF LS50WirelessII, wifi

Library Size

Library 189K tracks

Description of Issue

Within 1 min of playing music after the update from 790 to 795 this issue of music hiccup, pauses, drops, occ loss of endpoint…occurs randomly but usually every 5-10 min. Did not occur previously and when playing music via the LS50 over wifi using Qobuz and Kef connect there are NO dropouts. Ditto with no drops with a sonos move placed at same location of KEF’s again streaming Qobuz or anything really without drops. But if using roon on 795 to any endpoint (sonos, Kef or oppo 205 in my Mancave) I now get these drops. I have cleared the roon cache, restarted roon server and rebooted the Sonictransporter without resolution. Processing speed consistently around 10-15 with or without upsampling and application of a convolution filter.


Bump! Any updates from the Roon team on this? Never heard back from support. I am having dropouts which then results in Roon going to next track or just stopping completely all day today! Again nothing like this since update to 795…and I am a subscriber since day one 2015 so have had my fair share of issues over the years! I had a few days last week when I thought this had just self-resolved but back with a vengeance over weekend especially today!

Hello @Douglasmaurer,

I am so sorry we’ve missed your post for this long - thank you for following up on it :pray:

Just to make sure, this happens when streaming from Qobuz via Roon. What about when streaming from your local library. Do you still get these dropouts?

Thanks for trying all the steps that you’ve mentioned (that’s great!). I was hoping you could try one more: changing your Router’s DNS servers from the ISP provided ones to Cloudflare DNS, Quad9 or Google DNS.

Thank you in advance :pray:

Hi Rebeka! No worries! When the drops occurred it only seemed to be streaming not disc based files. That being said, the problem hasn’t occurred again since I last posted…I went back and rebooted core, server, xfinity gateway, xfinity pods, and the LS50s…so not sure what if any of those fixed the issue as I had done all of them at some point since updating to 795…but hey, I will take it! I was under the impression that you cannot change DNS server settings on the xfinity gateway…only if u have ur own router. If it starts happen again, I may invest in another mesh network to use in place of the xfinity supplied equipment…but they r my only option as an ISP where I live now. I miss my verizon fios…again it was really weird that this started less than 1 minute after the 795 update and persisted for nearly 2 wks.

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I spoke too soon…did it again multiple times while streaming Qobuz this afternoon! Bummer! Was listening to Ryan Adams albums, Big Colors and Wednesdays. Not sure if you “see” anything amiss!

Ugh… :sweat: . It sounded too good to be true, your previous post. I am sorry.

I’ve looped in our technical team, that will be back to work on Monday. In the meantime, I was wondering if you could navigate to Settings → Services → Qobuz and lower the streaming quality temporarily.

That should help with the dropouts :nerd_face:

Ok! Will try that…the LS50s will only do 24/96 since I have them untethered and I had streaming at max 24/192…will try that. If still drops then will try 16/44.

Still drops even at 24/96…ISP speedtests all 300-350mbps in the listening room and over 900 at the gateway 2 rooms over in the office. Something isnt working as it should.

Hey @Douglasmaurer,

I’m so sorry we lost track of this thread and missed on your reply…

I was wondering if, now, more than two months later, are you experiencing the same issue? Can we still help? :nerd_face:

Hi Rebeka, it seems better since switching to an eero pro 6 mesh wifi and replacing my Xfinity gateway with my own cable modem. No drops since making that change.