My Genres are a mess, I never really pay much attention to genres and definitely didn’t when I was ripping stuff twenty years ago.
As examples one tag is
What genre do you think would isolate these two albums ?
My Genres are a mess, I never really pay much attention to genres and definitely didn’t when I was ripping stuff twenty years ago.
As examples one tag is
What genre do you think would isolate these two albums ?
I think roon has them both with ethnic fusion
I did not listened to the first (I’m doing now, very nice, thanks), the second I did… maybe international blues or blues crossover
I have approx the same problem with tuareg electric guitars, and roon also uses ethnic fusion
I’ve found there are only two workable genres, “music I like” and “what’s left”. That’s extreme but fine granularity is accompanied by arbitrary classification and music with multiple genres.
If I was after guidance I might start with the professionals. Yale’s summary of LOC common genres:
You can get machine readable formats of the master list:
These have the advantage of been administered by cataloguing authorities, so won’t contain whimsical genres, and will remain fairly static. They may be short on modern sub-genres
I think in my early days of ripping to flac, pre 2000, the less mainstream albums weren’t perhaps as well populated with metadata as now. So if it didn’t know a genre, and I didn’t care about them, I just used to enter pop/rock
In many ways that high-level classification is easiest and quite useful. Classical, pop/rock, Jazz… Classical is easiest to sub-divide due to academic interest. I find contemporary music classifications confusing at best for the most part.
I go great detail for classical , with Genre and Sub Genre
So a piano sonata is 05 - Keyboard> Piano Sonata
I split 01 - 10 , orchestral, concerto, chamber, opera etc
The sub split is more arbitrary aimed a navigation with JRiver views
Rock & Pop I leave alone
Jazz is Jazz, Folk is Folk
In Roon I just Roon do it ….
I might break up pop/rock a bit more but Classical at a top level is fine by me I only know the works not what they are in genre sub types.
Is this from a view within Roon? If so, where? Thanks
Oh I thought you had found a way to show the genre hierarchy as a path