My genres not appearing in genre list

I think you’re still missing it, but just a little :smile:

If you turn on Genres From File Tags the genres in your file tags should immediately be visible on:

  • Album details
  • Artist details
  • Genre browser

If the genres in your file tags are already categorized in the Roon genre tree, their position is maintained, so R&B is top level, Soul is beneath it, and so on.

This can be edited if you want a genre to appear somewhere else in the hierarchy. It can also be mapped, if you want to everything with a particular file tag to instead appear as something which already exists in Roon’s hierarchy. So, everything called Dance appears top-level as Electronica.

This really should be about flipping two switches – file tag genres on, Roon genres off. We won’t make subjective decisions like organizing the new genres into a hierarchy for you, but they should just show up.

@jhwalker @Vasco_Machado_Vaz – are you seeing otherwise? If so, can you click a track, go to File Info, then File Tags, and let me know what you’re seeing under Genre.

Thanks guys!