My Live Radio stations just vanished

Since couple of days I’ve had some issues with my own radio stations - they just don’t play anymore. And finally they vanished completely. What’s up here? I’ve checked my modem - no changes since last week and all the other software works as they should.

Intel i6 NUC Rock + couple of Ropieee’s on Raspberry’s + several PC’s

did you change profile?

Nope. But after rebooting all, they came back again. Not playing, though.

Do the stations in the main Live Radio work? Is it just your own saved ones?


I tried both - and neither works for me. The radio’s web-site is

Nothing wrong with Radio Nova for me. I see

Are you saying it’s just Nova, or all stations?

I see you’ve had lots of trouble with your config recently. Just in case, can you reboot Rock once more, and also try removing Nova from your save stations, and playing the version in the main Live Radio area.

Just this one of all what I’ve tired so far. Strange. Made as you asked, here the result:

Whoa! That’s a different logo from mine.

Are you sure you have deleted the station from your My Live Radio stations? It looks like you are using an old reference.

Yup. That was it! Kind thanks and sorry for missing that part of your great instructions! …happy though I added the image - will use this more in the future in case needed.

Thanks once more!

Hooray! Now enjoy the music.


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