My nucleus doesn’t find 1.8 update

I’m sure the topic is in the forum, but I’ve searched and scanned. Apologies in advance

I updated my iPad and iPhone remotes to 1.8.

But I’m hung at “Checking for an update…” for the Nucleus

One weird thing: when updating my remotes, I was asked to enter the password for my Google email account in Settings. I don’t even see where to do that. My Gmail app on my iPhone doesn’t have a field for it. I hit cancel and the phone updated anyway. Could it be screwing up my subsequent try at nucleus update

Many thanks

You can try a REINSTALL from the nucleus Web GUI page. DO NOT do a database reset!

How do I get to.Nucleus web GUI?

To clarify, my iPhone and iPad are both hung. When I open the Roon app on my phone, it’s stuck on a page that identifies my phone as up to data on 1.8, and nucleus look for update.

I can’t get to settings

You need to probably type http://nucleus.local in your web browser

You could alsy try just doing a power off and on again first

Got it ! Did a SW reset and then was able to update

Many thanks!

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