Negura Bunget - Tău metadata


there are some metadata issues with above mention album. I already realized them while ripping and getting information from AMG through the ripper.
Just tagged it with discogs tagger afterwards, now all errors again there.

The album name is Tău not Taü

And then there are the right track names (only left the ones wrong)
Nămetenie; Tărîm Vîlhovnicesc, Schimnicește

while we have

Again discogs is very right with them, did you seriously consider discogs now as a further source like my and since that also a few others with special album interests suggested?

Complete correct tracklist

Again discogs is very right with them, did you seriously consider discogs now as a further source like my and since that also a few others with special album interests suggested?

Yes. Barring any roadblocks, integrating discogs data is something we plan to do.


Thanks for this info @brian . This is great to hear!