Network Backups Unsuccessful for Roon ROCK in Virtual Box VM

Hi, I’m looking for input from anyone running Roon ROCK in a VM. I’ve successfully installed ROCK via VirtualBox and everything is working well. I’ve set up a scheduled backup to a physical USB flash drive connected to the host machine and it’s working as well. If I try and backup to our NAS though, the backups hang. Has anyone encountered this? Is anyone running ROCK in a VM and backing up to network storage successfully?

I understand that ROCK is not intended for a VM but wanted to give it a try. Previously, Roon was running on a Mac via the Roon app. Network backups were working successfully on the Mac. Our NAS is set not to hibernate so there is no sleep issue with the disks. If I kick off a backup to our NAS on the ROCK VM, it progresses smoothly at first and then hangs indefinitely. In the logs, there are entries showing bytes transferred and percentage transferred. These progress into the teens or twenties and then stop. There are no errors or additional entries indicating why they stop. In the UI the backup just spins indefinitely.

Thanks for any input or experience anyone has.

For anyone who finds this post with a similar issue… switching from VirtualBox to Proxmox resolved the issue. Backups are now working locally to a physical USB flash drive and remotely to network storage.