Network switch add issue for roon to find Sonos

I run my Roon core on my Mac mini… And I was working perfect till I added a five port ethernet switch to accommodate other devices.

Since then… My Roon core cannot locate my Sonos devices in my network since I added the ethernet switch.

When I do a direct connect and bypassing the ethernet switch roon finds the Sonos devices…

Has anyone seen this issue or is a networks which Unidirectional ?

thanks in advance

Hi - I would suspect a faulty switch or cable, or a misconfiguration of the switch (if it has any configuration) . My Sonos units are connected via 4 or 5 switches to the core, and work pretty much fine. Can you try with a different switch and see what happens?

Yes … tried 2 different switches…(no configurable)

So bizarre … as mentioned … when I bypass the switch… all good :man_shrugging:t2:

Hmm. Then perhaps some IP address conflict somewhere . . . Hopefully someone a bit more network savvy than me will come along and chip in shortly. Meantime, you might want to provide as many details as possible about your actual setup; it may reveal something obvious - good luck.


Router —> TPLINK Deco Main Mesh Router to TPLink Deco To Ethernet switch to Mac Mini

When I remove Ethernet Switch… and plug TPlink directly To Mac Mini … works

I tried 2 different Switches…
Rebooted router and network mesh


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Fixed …
Had to delete Sonos off the same server my core was on and reinstall Sonos App
All devices show up now …

Thanks again