New Features of Roon 1.7 not available with iPad Air 2

Core Machine
sonicTransporter. iPad Air 2 (sw 13,1,3)

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Description Of Issue

Roon 1.7 update includes features like “Recommended for you” , “New Releases for You” that I can’t find in a Roon Remote on my iPad Air 2. The new radio feature are there,

Btw, I can find New Releases for You under Discover on my iPhone 6 and Samsung 7, but no Recommended for you.

Is there an issue, or am I just looking in the wrong place…

Arnie Spieker

Hi @Arnold_Spieker,

New Releases For You can be found on the Overview screen. Overview is not available on the mobile UI of Roon.

Recommended for you can be seen when you navigate to an album, as seen here:

Are you seeing this on the iPad when you go to album pages?


Thank you for pointing out where these features reside. I can see them on my iPad exactly where you described them…


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