New nucleus, unable to migrate from PC to nucleus

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Roon Nucleus (Version 1.0 build 227) stable, Rev B with 2 TB of SSD
Windows 10 home
Intel core i5-6600K
RAM: 16 GB

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Netgear Nighthawk

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

No audio devices listed because I am just trying to get the nucleus working

Description Of Issue

I am a very defeated person. I have a lifetime subscription to roon, and I had this running on my PC for about 1-2 years. This worked well, although I would have to have my PC on for myself to use roon. All the remotes worked perfectly.

I have purchased the roon nucleus rev B, and installed a 2 TB SSD.
I have been able to get my computer to “recognize the nucleus” but I am unable to migrate any of my files to the SSD or to point the roon nucleus at my files to copy.
In the “storage” tab under settings, I click on the add folders icon.
Now, I don’t know if this will copy any files over because I have been unable to get the network share location to “work.”
Here is my location of my music files:
However, when i put that in the shared network folder, the response is “Unexpected error.”

So, does anyone know what to do?

In a nutshell, I had roon working perfectly on a PC.
I then bought a nucleus.
I can “see” the nucleus in the roon software. The roon nucleus is working and downloaded several updates. I was also able to format the HDD in the roon nucleus.
I cannot migrate any music or to the HDD of the nucleus. The nucleus has 0 songs on it.

This hits me harder because, hilariously (or not), I also own a Stack audio Link 2 streamer. I cannot get that to work either. And, so here i have 2 fabulous paperweights. I am not tech incompetent either, which is not helpful. I wish I was terrible at technology, but no, I build my own PC’s and have grown up with computers. Does anyone know if Innuous or Auralaic are easy to use? at this point I will take anything that works. I know that I am out 500 bucks (lifetime roon), Stack link (800 dolars), and this nucleus 1400 dollars. Man, for 2700 dollars, I have nothing working at all (I don’t even know if that is the right number, but you get the idea). That just blows my mind.

I do sincerely thank the hardworking users in advance.
I am not stupid, so please throw whatever ideas out there and I will to the best of my ability try out your suggestions. I guess the main issue is that I cannot add the music file where all my music is stored, and i keep getting an error with that.

Thank you in advance. I hope your roon nucleus and etc is working well for you.


When I put my Nuc/Rock together I copied the My Music file structure folders/files from my PC and pasted them in the NUC ROCK DATA Storage InternalStorage. That is all it took. If you can see the Nucleus under the Network tab of the file explorer it should work.

From the Web UI you have formated the SSD in the Nucleus correct?

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You have our apologies for the frustration here, @Travis_Morrison-Mcke. I understand this has been more difficult than you’d like, but I’m confident we can get you up and running here!

Since you installed a 2TB storage drive, it sounds like you want to copy your files from the PC to that internal storage drive. We have some information about this here in our Help Center:

From your PC you’ll want to use File Explorer to access the Nucleus (\\NUCLEUS\Data\Storage\InternalStorage ) and then copy the files there. If you have any troubles with this please let us know!

@Mike_LC and @dylan

Thank you very much for your assistance.

I had a hunch that there was something wrong with my streaming settings in Windows, and so one step that I had to do was to:

  1. Go to Control Panel
  2. Go to “Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center\Media streaming options”
    (you can paste that into the control panel URL/header, removing the quotes)
    Then, you must “allow” local media streaming from your computer (this is my PC that has the media files).
    Now, your nucleus is not going to show up on this page (strange, I know), but
    other devices might show up (For instance, my LG Tv Showed up).
  3. once you have enabled media streaming, i then turned on my nucleus (which has been plugged into the ethernet) and power, but was “off” this morning because i turned it off last night when i could not get anything to work.
  4. I waited several minutes
  5. I then eventually saw the nucleus pop up under my network tab in File Explorer. You can double click on Nucleus in File explorer, but I still used the:
    “\NUCLEUS\Data\Storage\InternalStorage” (remove quotation marks) shortcut and pasted that into the File explorer.
  6. I was then able to drag and drop files to the internal storage of the nucleus
  7. You two have saved the day.

Please Roon, please add those 2 steps to your nucleus set up guide!
I don’t know how many people it will help, but it will help some of us!
I don’t know if the developers use windows, but historically most viruses were made for users of windows, and so as an understandable reflex, Microsoft has basically “buttoned down the hatches” on default Windows settings to prevent access. Great to help prevent virus spreading, but can make this fun stuff (streaming) difficult.

At this point, I would say that this is “solved.”
I have dragged 1 album as a test, and I can play this file on my phone and Roon appears to be working normally.
Was this a roon problem or a microsoft problem? Well, both actually. Roon needs to take advantage of the Microsoft platform, but needs to inform users (customers) on making the Microsoft (read Windows) platform work for them. I did not need to enable the streaming ability of this computer to other devices before, because i did not have other devices (i.e. the Nucleus) before now.

Thank you,

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