Hi just creating this section, apologies if this already exist.
The “new releases for you” section of Roon is great but:
having a button to reload a different set of albums would be terrific
having a playlist of recommended titles for me would make me fall in love with this section
having different albums shown everytime I launch the app would be great as well (for the moment I still have the same selection since the 1.7 upgrade).
Feel free to comment or add your other “but”.
I really appreciate Roon adding this feature, but so far my recommendations have been terrible. Filled with genres I don’t even listen to and missing albums by artists I have favorited. Honestly, the Tidal app gives me better Recommendations and better New Releases For You content.
I’m listen mainly to electronic, hip hop and alternative but get recommendations for classical, film soundtracks, blues and pop.
Hardly any albums relevant to my library.
In contrast, the singles recommendations are right on point.
Good feedback here everyone. @Judelow’s suggestions are mostly product changes and we’ll definitely take those under consideration as this feature evolves.
In the near term, we are hoping to tune the recommendations a bit, so I’m particularly interested in changes we can make with regards to this feedback:
For @Nick@Wayne_Bull1 and anyone else having this experience, it would be hugely helpful to have:
A screenshot of what you’re seeing on the View All page
A description of why you think some of these picks are bad – the more details the better
Some picks you think we should be including, that aren’t in NRFY or in your library already
The name of the profile you use
A screenshot of your artist browser sorted by Most Played
I’m in the process of gathering this feedback now so we can do another pass on this, so feel free to PM me that information, or respond in this thread.
So looking at “most played” albums the 4Wheel Drive and the Roberto Fonseca would lead to the recommendation for the Gerald Cleaver, which is rather good suggestion (and recording, give it a listen ). I can’t speak for any of the other recommendations.
My album recommendations are still pretty poor. Removing stuff from the list does not seem to effect it at all either still get too much classical and jazz. Sorting by relavance titles that are weeks old show up, latest nothing of interest. It’s so bad I hardly look at it. When I go to Tidal or Spotify always something. Definitely needs some work
@mike At first i thought this was an obvious question, but maybe it is not. How does Roon calculate Most Played Artists and Most Played Albums?
If songs are played via Playlists, does that add to an Album being considered played, or only if the Album is played from the Album itself or Album list?
The reason I ask is there are some Most Played Artists that I don’t think I play hardly at all. Is there a way of seeing the underlying data (like you can see song plays).
Mine have been absolutely terrible, and I can’t turn that nuisance off. I don’t need anyone “recommending” music for me. I just want to turn it off and be rid of the visual clutter. I don’t want this “feature” improved.
I just want it gone. I discover my music in plenty of other ways, and already have more than I can ever listen to.
It reminds me too much of online shopping, where we are bombarded with cross-sells in the sidebars and at the footers of pages, recommending other things we might be interested in.
Seriously. Let me turn off the recommendations. Everywhere in Roon. Please. I might even resubscribe when my year’s up if that happens.
I have no issue with your request to disable recommendations, but I want to make clear, since you quote me, that I do want recommendations. I often find things thru Tidal recommendations. I just want Roon recommendations to be better.