New User Having Trouble Getting Roon to Connect with Lampizator DAC Through Bryston BDP2

Roon Core Machine

Windows Laptop, Celeron CPU N2830, 4.0 GB RAM Roon Verion 2.0

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Linksys E4200 router, connecting to Bryston BDP2 via ethernet

Connected Audio Devices

Bryston BDP, connected via ethernet

Number of Tracks in Library

Don’t see the total. but less than 5000. And I am just trying to get Tidal to work for now.

Description of Issue

Cannot play music through DAC - I don’t think Roon recognizes the DAC as an audio device.

  • Core is connected to Bryston BDP2 Digital Player over local network (ethernet cable).
  • BDP2 is connected to Lampizator Golden Gate (Gen 1) DAC.
  • DAC is USB input only and DSD engine only.
  • DAC has single ended outputs only to ARC Reference 5se preamp.
  • I want to upsample music sent to the BDP so that the BDP can relay it to the Lampi in DSD using DoP. The Bryston does not play DSD but supports DoP.
  • I have not been able to get the DAC to play.
  • Roon, in Audio, recognizes the BDP-2 as a “Bridge Device”
  • Roon, in Audio, recognizes the USB card/input on the Lampizator as an audio device (“Amanero Technologies Combo384 Amanero”), but identifies it as an “Unidentified Device”, and clicking on “identify this device” do not present any Lampizator options
  • The Bryston is Roon ready, and has Roon enabled.
  • On the Bryston, the Roon “Service” had “Enable DoP” “On,” and “Enable Software Volume” “On.”
  • On the Bryston, some signal appears to be received when I play a song from Roon, i.e., the “Stats” for audio devices recognized by the Bryston change, and show data (bit rate of 44,100) etc. associated with the Amanero only when I play a song, so it seems that a signal is getting to the Bryston.
  • I’m thinking that Roon needs to recognize the Lampi as an audio device, and I need the output to be upsampled to DSD.
  • I have attempted to upsample to DSD in the DSP, but I don’t seem to be able to select any of the DSD “custom” levels shown, perhaps because Roon does not have have a handshake with the DSD engine in the DAC.



Not to be impatient, but hoping somebody will jump in on this one and help. :slight_smile: For what it is worth, I can successfully play roon through the Bryston DBP to my old (ARC) DAC, which is connected to the Bryston via AES/EBU. But USB out of Bryston to Lampizator not working as detailed in the original post. Thanks

Hi @Matt_Cooney,

We are running a bit behind in our responses post-holiday but are catching up.

A few things:

  1. I’d like to look at your diagnostics but your core is offline. Can you bring it online for me?
  2. Does the same issue exist when using other inputs? I see where you said USB only but most DACS have at least a couple of options.
  3. Reading posts from other users, there may be an input selector on both the front and back of the unit (depending on your config). Have you tried this?
  4. Can you connect the Lampizator directly to your PC and have Roon recognize it? If not, you may need the audio drivers installed in Windows.
  5. Reply with a screenshot of your signal path if you would. My messy path as an example is below.

Please check these things if you would. Also, get your core online for me and we can look at logging.


Thanks for the help. I had replied by email, but realized that for sake of the community I should be putting it here. Two replies to Wes (editted for brevity and clarity) below:


I’d like to look at your diagnostics but your core is offline. Can you bring it online for me?

[Done now]

Does the same issue exist when using other inputs? I see where you said USB only but most DACS have at least a couple of options.

[This device has USB in only]

Reading posts from other users, there may be an input selector on both the front and back of the unit (depending on your config). Have you tried this?

[No selector as per above - I saw that post too.]

Can you connect the Lampizator directly to your PC and have Roon recognize it? If not, you may need the audio drivers installed in Windows.

[Will definitely check this!]

Reply with a screenshot of your signal path if you would. My messy path as an example is below.

[How does one show signal path? I have looked for this feature and not found.]


Hi Wes,

So here is status:

Core is on.

Windows 10 PC is connected directly to Lampi via USB.

Roon recognized the USB connection (Amanero) and allowed me to configure it

Roon appears to be playing to Amanero (little sound bars bouncing)

No sound comes out.

I did configure the Amanero for DSD playback.

Let me know next steps. I am going to turn off the Lampi now (save tubes) but leave the core on - I can always leave everything on if you are able to remote in.

To be sure, there IS one switch on the back of the Lampi, but it just describes tube types (300B, 45/101D)



Hi @Matt_Cooney,

This little button visible in my screenshot will show you the signal path:

Screenshot 2023-01-05 at 8.41.27 AM

Here is signal path. Hope it displays.

That is just laptop into Lampizator and Lampi out to an integrated amp - no sound.

Hi @Matt_Cooney,

Thank you. While I run this by some others, can you confirm whether or not you visited Downloads — LampizatOr North America and installed the Windows driver? I’d expect to see the Lampizator branding somewhere in that signal path but the Combo384 may be the driver for the USB board in the unit.


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Okay went to Lampizator website for drivers. It links to Amanero website, so the drivers will not say Lampizator.
The setup.exe installs 2 drivers: Amanero 1.0.67 USB driver and Combo384.
Roon recognizes each as an Audio device and i dont understand a difference betwen the two except the Combo384 offers a fourth DSD strategy - native - which the 1.0.67 does not.
Playback path for both drivers shown.
No sound from either.
I hooked up a CD player to the integrated through the same connections just to exclude the possibility of unrelated stupid error on my part, and i get sound.


Progress! This first path shown, with Combo 384 driver, is playing music from laptop out of the DAC! But it is a little sputtery. Please let me know if we should further diagnose that or move on to trying to play from the bridge device.

The 1.0.67 driver does not work, second path shown in two images. To me it seems the problem is “encapsulation;” it only provides DSD strategy options that involve PCM conversion and not “native” like the Combo 384 driver.

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More, more progress! Both drivers work with DSD Strategy set to DOP, and DSP set to DSD. Native DSD processing turned off (resource intensive - may explain sputtering on crappy old laptop). So unless more direction first, i will next pivot to seeing whether roon will reach through the Bryston player to talk with the Amanero drivers.

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More, more, and MORE progress! (I am having a great dialogue with myself here! :slightly_smiling_face:

Roon playing music through the Bryston player and Lampizator DAC. All the right configuration choices need to be lined up in each device (which I have figured now), and I can enjoy DSD for the first time.

Thanks Wes for your help. I think I am done here, but will build on this thread if any complications or related fine points come up.


I love it! And you got it working!

I have arguments all the time and no one else is around… I haven’t lost one yet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :crazy_face:


You’re making me chuckle out loud here, @Matt_Cooney :rofl: :upside_down_face: :stuck_out_tongue:

Do we want to flag this one as resolved? Is there anything else we can assist with?


Happy to call it closed. I do have more Roon questions, but I can treat those as part of my “journey” and additional posts. If you want to attack one here, in DSP, configure how…, I have selected “DSD” and I don’t seem to be able to select any of ‘Custom’ options. The options present in the pulldown, but I don’t seem to be able to click or save any of them to “take,” so I am left back at generic DSD.

Hi @Matt_Cooney and a happy Tuesday to you.

Is this what you’re looking at?

Yes (though mine only offers DSD64 and DSD128 options (no DSD256)). The relationship between those “DSD sample rate” pulldowns, and “Custom” option in the “Sample rate conversion” pulldowns was not clear to me, and there did not seem to be a way to select the Custom options instead of “DSD”. Thanks

Hi @Matt_Cooney,

One thing I know is that the options presented there are based on the capabilities of the device. Here are some screenshots of what I see with two different devices. Both offered me the option for custom configuration. Note, you have to click the arrow to the right of Sample rate conversion to see this menu.

Hi. Just belatedly closing out this thread. I am pretty solid on using Roon with this DAC now, but the DAC has another problem that has required it to make a visit to Poland. I will be testing a Metrum Adagio this weekend (!) and will be sure to start a new thread if any issues or observations there. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT! Matt

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