No connection to Roon Nucleus

Roon Core Machine

Roon Nucleus

This morning I cannot connect anymore to my roon nucleus.
The connect doesn’t work with my Mac Pro/Ipad Pro/Iphone SE
Restart/Power on/off the Roon Nucleus didn’t work.
Turning of all the Firewall’s don’t help.
When I’m pinging to the IP adres the respons is ’ Host is down’
I don’t see Roon Nucleus on my finder neither in my Firewall. It’s seems that there is no connection.
Everything works fine in my Netwerk, Wifi etc…
How can I solve this problem , and is there I way to check on the Nucleus if Roon is started ?
Marc Vande Wiele
[moderated: removed email address]

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Marc, I’ve moved your message to the Nucleus Support category of the forum. Someone from the Support team will see it and respond to you.

In the meantime, if you connect a monitor or a TV to a HDMI connector on the Nucleus, what is displayed on the screen? This will help further diagnosis of the issue.

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Hi, I’ve just connect the Nucleus to my TV with HDMI and I get a black screen with ROON text in the middle and on the upper right of the screen I have 2 options : Setup/Bootlist

Kind regards


Hi Geoff, After a few minutes a get a message on the screen : 'bootable device has not been detected,
Kind regards,

Someone from Support should confirm this, but it looks to me as though the SSD holding the Roon OS has failed. If this Nucleus is still under warranty, you should return it to your dealer for repair/replacement.

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Thanks for your feedback . I’m waiting for support confirmation. The Nucleus is still in warranty ( 6 months old)

Hey @Marc_Vande_Wiele,

Thanks so much for reaching out as soon as you ran into this issue. We’re sorry :pensive:

I wonder if, as a last test, you could try to reset the network settings and see if by any chance the Nucleus shows up on the network:

If this doesn’t help, would you please share a photo of the TV / external monitor with the Nucleus connected via HDMI?

Thanks :pray:

Hey Beka,
Thanks for your feedback.
Question : it seems that a Mac keyboard (with usb) doesn’t work on the Nucleus ?
If this is the case a have to buy an other keyboard ?
Kind regards,

Hey Beka,
I tried with another keyboard from ‘Trust’ but there is no reaction on the Nucleus. First I have the screen with Roon and above in there right corner Setup/Bootlist. After a few minutes I get the message ’ A bootable device has not been detected.
Hereby the screenshots.
If there is no solution please confirm the repair/exchange of the Nucleus.
Kind regards

Hey @Marc_Vande_Wiele,

While I can’t see the screenshots, the messages you’re seeing are associated with an SSD failure. I’m sorry :pensive:

Returning it for repairs is the next step. If you’ve purchased it from a local dealer, they are the best next step. If you’ve purchased it from our store directly, would you please let me know?

Hey Beka,
That’s what I also expected. I purchased the Nucleus second hand and it works well for a few months. But I have the original invoice dated 14/07/2021,so this is still under warranty.
It’s remarkable that de SSD has a failure after such a short period of time. Let’s hope dat the repair will give us longer period of enjoyment with Roon and the Nucleus. Meanwhile I use my Macbook Pro with a recent restore.
Thanks for your support and have a good time.:grin:
Kind regards,
Marc Vande Wiele

Hey @Marc_Vande_Wiele,

Thanks for the full context :pray:t2:

It’s so amazing to see your positivity and resolve to make things work regardless of your Core. It definitely made my Saturday!

Please, let us know if we can help along the way :relieved:

I have the same exact issue, except I have no display at all. And it also just happened this morning.

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