I’m new to HQP but have now read the manual about three times completely. I have it installed, configured and being driven by Roon. However, no matter what I do it will not output native DSD to my DAC.
My chain is M1 Mac Pro|Roon → HQP --USBC–> SP3000
The SP3000 support native DSD up to 512. When I play native DSD source material from either Roon or the HQP desktop player the source DSD is encoded to PCM 384 before being sent to the dac.I can’t for the life of me get HQP to serve native DSD to the DAC.
I know this is likely to be some very basic noob mistake but I cannot see where the problem is.
Thanks in advance for any pointers.
Log file → Dropbox - HQPlayer4Desktop.log - Simplify your life