No total time (last 4 weeks) on my iPad

Why am I seeing this on my iPad (5th generation)

instead of this? (apart from the language). I don’t have this problem on my iMac or iPhone.

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I don’t know if it is a bug or how it’s designed, but the iPads only seem to show weekly summary and not the total hours AND weekly summary. My Android phone shows all three fields (total hours, weekly bar graph, and monthly dot plot) in three separate scrollable screens. I believe Android tablets will show all three elements in landscape mode but not portrait mode.
I suspect it’s a bug.

Thanks for your response Scott, otherwise I have no problems with 1.8. If it is a bug then I expect it to be fixed.

I have the same issue/bug

Hello Ernesto,
My local audio dealer has the same problem on his iPad. On my iPhone I can swipe between:
total time, last 4 weeks and day of the week. I find it strange that this is not possible on the iPad.
Otherwise I have no problems with 1.8
Enjoy the music!!

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Click on the dot of the day does it for me. (IPad pro)

Hello Toine,
Sadly not for me.

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