so, when you are looking at the albums in that view (Albums – Focus – Inspector – Duplicates), it shows two albums? That are the same?
So, two copies of the same album, format, service, bitrate, source, etc…? (I have plenty of duplicates, but one might be on my hard drive, and one might be a streaming version. Or one might be Qobuz and one Tidal. Or one 16/44 and one 24/192, etc…)
Just curious if you’re seeing two of the EXACT SAME FILES in that view. (not sure if you’re talking about seeing duplicates of streaming files or local files or what.)
But yes, I’m seeing duplicates, as for many, I have both a ripped CD and a Tidal/Qobuz version in my library. I tested getting rid of the dupes for a few… If i delete one while in that view (like, right-click, and then remove from library), the duplicate goes away.
However, I were to go to the album itself, and remove the streaming version from library, then go back to duplicates, I still see my ripped version in that view as a duplicate, even though I’m not seeing the tidal version in there. Even when I back out and go back in to focus, that “false duplicate” is still there.
Now, it DOES NOT say “duplicate” on the album page
I forced a rescan and no change.
However, I restarted the roon server, and the dupe went away.
I see that a reboot of your server didn’t work for you, but it worked for me.