Now Playing - Adding Artist/Album Artist Images Which Cycle

I am not sure if this feature is available, I saw some older posts (2019) requesting what seemed to be the same feature. So quite possible it isn’t an option but thought I would check to see if I am missing it somewhere or…

Is there a way to add more artist images to the now playing screen so they cycle images related to the album or artists. On some albums I have seen the artist images change automatically while the albums have played, However, most have been just the one artist image which doesn’t change while playing the song or entire album. I’d love to have different images show while listening.

I did see where I could add JPEGs to albums owned by me and not virtual albums. These then rotate if I use the album option on the now playing. This option is good too, but I like the artist view better on the screen with the nearly full screen picture and album art work cover in the lower left.

Is the feature to add artist images to the now playing - artist view option?

Thanks for any info.

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I too prefer the artist view and would love to see more images cycling through and/or the ability to create your own custom gallery of images for each artist.