NPO Klassiek - please add higher bitrate stream

I found out that NPO Klassiek had a 320 bitrate stream but can’t find the url myself. It was in my Naim radio player and I think NPO uses that stream in their dab and online player themselves. Any chance to add it to the Live Radio options?

Indeed, I saw that too. This may also be for NPO 1

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I found the 320k stream, but it is an HLS stream with .ts segments which Roon often has trouble with. Unfortunately, this is the case here. Roon can’t play it.

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Thanks for investigating Brian. Too bad! Could you share the url you found? Perhaps I can figure out a routing through my Synology

Hmm. The URL is

This will play in VLC.

However, this redirects to a long URL with what I thought was a specific token, but on looking again, this seems constant, so I have added this long URL to the station.

This works - at present (obviously Roon got confused with the the re-direction, it happens sometimes)- but no guarantees. Let me know if it’s still ok in a day or two.

Edit. Hmm, the token in the re-direction is not as constant as I thought. Anyway, please try it.

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Working perfectly so far. Thanks for the effort Brian

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